Thursday, November 5, 2009


Today I did my birthday ritual by reading the story of King Asa (2 Chronicles 14-16). My greatest fear in life is that my most passionate, sold out, and radical for Jesus days are behind me. I read Asa's story to remind me that complacency and shipwreck are crouching at my door.

I hope this year will be more fruitful and sanctifying than any year to this point.

I'm overwhelmed by the love poured out to me by my wife, kids, staff and student leaders. They each gave me some meaningful and generous gifts. For example, Cameron has been saving for quite some time and he gave me $5, which is all the money to his name. He put the money in a Spiderman card that he drew himself. I love that kid! Leatha has been saving money from a small side job and used a couple months wages to buy me some gifts. Our staff and leaders poured on the love with an ISU sweatshirt, a gift card, and some jack to take Leatha out.

I have no idea why, but I'm a blessed man.

And old.


Barbie said...

I'm so happy to hear you had a great birthday!!! Yes, you are getting old! Stay in denial and maybe you knees will never notice.
Love you!

Ed Noble said...

Happy B-day bro. I'm sorry I didn't mention anything in our 45 min phone call yesterday :-)

I give thanks to God for you!

Todd Tolson said...

33? Old? Don't say that dude, 'cause I turn 33 in just a couple of weeks!

As always, another great post!