Wednesday, August 25, 2010

What God did

Here's a short highlight reel:

- People... about 175-200 of them. There were probably 50 or so well wishers there from Ames, which was so encouraging to see their overwhelming support.
- Jeff Thune teaching... he went yard with the first talk, speaking on God's glory and how we're wired to delight in him
- Connection Groups... I think a lot of the connection groups filled up- except Jeremiah's. Apparently the sign he thought would scare freshmen INTO his group actually scared them away.
- Iowa students... I met tons of new people. One guy's zipper was down, but I didn't think we were at the place in our relationship for me to break the news to him.

- El Diablo... (below) Rapping with Lance. This is a homeless guy that we've taken in. Literally... he crashed at Lance's a couple nights ago.

Servants... I was thinking on the way home how God has brought just the right people to Iowa City. We didn't plan it that just happened. I wonder if there's some greater Plan in all of this? Here's a glimpse of one of our many God-sends- John Debold

- International students... one turned to his American friend and said, "This is not our belief. But can I come again?!"

Thanks to all of you who have participated with us- you were there with us in spirit through your prayers and financial support. May God spread a passion for his name here at the University of Iowa, and to the ends of the earth.

There's so much more to report, but I'm so wasted. I was at the bar all night. For church...


Anonymous said...

PRAISE GOD! Our thoughts and prayers are with you!

Gabriel said...

PTL, Mark. PTL.

Kiki said...

So glad you updated. I prayed as we were on our way to church last night. So excited for this new venture!

Brenda Rae said...

oh we prayed last night just as you were starting - tears in my eyes watching what God is gonna do in this city!

Mike Easton said...

Very cool. Love what you guys are doing. Be blessed today!