Sunday, October 5, 2008

Random Pictures

Tonight we played "Operation" and "Memory" for family game night. Makai didn't do so well at either. His motor skills aren't quite up to par for operation. The memory cards seemed to change location everytime the kids turned them over. Eventually game night regressed into wrestlemania (instigated by Beck I'm sure). Entropy always seems to rule anything we try to do as a family. But everyone had fun.
This is Makai's life these days- getting stuck. Above, he's got a bag of Leatha's forbidden fruit- marshmallows. Everything you see in this closet was free from Walgreens. It's a long story, but the short of it is that Leatha knows how to use coupons.

Below- A parenting dilemma... let natural law teach the lesson? OR come to the rescue?

You never know what is going to become Cameron and Beck's next sheath.


Christy said...

In regards to your "parenting dilemma... let natural law teach the lesson? OR come to the rescue?" clearly you chose option C, grab the camera and take a picture. another good choice. :)

Metropuritan Mark said...

Yep- option C it is! These parenting moments must never be forgotten...