Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Bugs Life

For those of you who aren't parents yet, brace yourself for this kind of conversation:

Ava, Cameron, Beck, Makai (in unison): "Dad!!!!! Get out here!!!!!"

Ava: "It's a praying Mantis"

Cameron: "No they're not" acknowleding these are 2 distinct creatures

Beck: "Dad, why are their butts stuck together?"

Me: "What do you kids think they're doing?"

Cameron: "I think they're making more bugs"

Me: "Yes, Cameron, I think these bugs are having sex."

Four hours later...

Beck: "The bugs still have their butts stuck together. Should we smash them?"


The Massons said...

this is hilarious. and since we can never get your email right, we're just passing on a link to this fun post in a blog comment:


it's a funny read and speaks some good truth.

dannyandjessie said...

Way to tell them like it is Mark..lol