Today we had our first services in the new auditorium. The pictures tell the some of the story...
During the 9:00 service, every seat appeared to be taken (1,040) and there were a couple hundred people sitting on concrete steps in the unfinished balcony. The 11:00 was also packed, but there weren't quite as many in the balcony. Next week's Saturday night service should relieve some of the pressure.
(Below) Every hand seemed to be raised during "Jesus Paid It All". It was cool to see the worship temp so hot on the first day of services, and the focus of every song, drama, video, and message was Jesus Christ and his kingdom (i.e. not the building).
The Cafe provides a great place to hang out and enjoy some bean.
The green room is a great place for the servants who lead us throughout the weekend to hang out and relax.
This sweet little baby is Jaida Paullus, the new daughter of Andy and Jill (who serves on staff with TSC). God has a special plan for her life- may He lead her on a path of righteousness for his name's sake. Bless you, Jaida!
Thanks for posting the pics Mark-we were hoping someone would. :)
Sweet pics Mark. Very excited for you guys. Pr. that the Father would, as Troy said, do immeasurable things in our neck of the woods too! Very cool.
It was AMAZING! God was present right from the first word of the first song! I had tears streaming down my face as I sat in the balcony during 1st service and sang How Great Thou Art and looking down on God's people worshiping with passion and hands raised to our Heavenly Father! It was great coming back to visit and see what God is doing in the church and college ministry where I gave my life to Christ! Are some of the other songs on the Anthem cd?? We loved the God Saved the Day song!
Love the new room! Excited for what's next for C-Stone!
Thanks for the photos of the new place! Love that God blessed you guys with a larger facility! Hot cafe you got there... not coveting it at all... nope, not a bit.
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