Thursday, February 26, 2009

Blogs I Enjoy

Here are some blogs I've been enjoying recently:

Alex Tuckness checks in every once in awhile for some profound thoughts on his family blog. For example, some thoughts on generosity (click here)

James Pusey is a student in our college ministry. He is a funny and talented cat. Here's an example of some of his humor (click here).

My friend just sent me this blog (click here). Everything I've read so far has been brilliantly hilarious. It seems to be a hugely popular blog, and for good reason.

I also enjoy Ed Noble's blog (click here), because you'll find stuff like this... Context... he is thanking God for all the great qualities of his son, who just turned 18. One of them was, "Evil pretty much seemed stupid to him, not a tantalizing sparkling desirable temptation, but the brightly painted turd that it is." Ed also has one of the few podcasts I keep up with.

There are other blogs I read that are more theological. I'll share those another time. They're mostly boring, though.

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