Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Garage Sale

For the past few days I've been preparing for a garage sale I'll be having on Thursday and Friday. In general I'd say that I'm not a collector of things. I don't like to have stuff around that I don't use. However, after looking at these pics you might think that's not true. I'm not sure how I've managed to store all this stuff but I will sure be glad to get rid of it.

There is somewhat of a lengthy explanation for how and why I've acquired all the stuff in the last two pictures. If interested you can click here and begin to learn. I haven't done anything illegal. I've used coupons to buy all the things in the pictures (and a lot more not pictured) most of which I don't need. Often the coupons I use are of a higher value than the item I'm purchasing and thus with the overage I buy something I really need. Walgreens is the one store that always gives you the overage. Target and Walmart are fickle in that sometimes you get the overage sometimes you don't--it really depends on the cashier. In a later post, Mark or I will probably address what drove me to this insanity.


Anastasia said...

How much do you think you'll get for the hygiene products? Would it be legal to do something like Ebay, or just too much of a pain? In my experience, hygiene stuff at garage sales goes for very cheap, but I guess very cheap adds up!

Mark said...

I'm sure I could do the Ebay thing, but I think it would be a pain. Most things are 50 cents or 25 cents. I just want to get rid of the stuff.

Crystal Paine said...

I stumbled across your site tonight from your link posted to my Walgreens 101 post. (Thanks, by the way!)

I just wanted to mention that I'd mark the soaps at $0.25 each unless they are in a 2-pk or more bundle and then I'd mark them at $0.50 to $0.75. The rest of the items, I'd mark at at least $0.75 each--probably more like $1 for most.

You'll likely not have any trouble selling them at that price and you can always go down the last half of Friday if need be.

Hope that helps!

Wendy said...

I tagged you over at my blog. ;-) It's fine with me if you don't want to do it . ;-)
The whole tagging thing somewhat annoys me.