Friday, January 25, 2008

What do pastors do all day? (Part 4)

Back in action today... feeling a little better.

After dropping Ava off at school, I went to my office. I chatted with some people who said Brandon Barker hit a home run at TSC. It's always reassuring when you know your substitute did a much better job than you would do on your best day. But I reassure myself with the fact that I'm better at skateboarding.

Just kidding. This line of work is not really about being a great orator. Ezekiel 33:30-32 is a great reminder of that. It's not really about the messenger, but about the message.

Stop and dwell on that cliche for a moment.

It's a good thing, too, because I tried to listen to one of my messages yesterday, and I couldn't even bear to listen. I had more "like" "and" "um" "you knows" than a 13 year old yapping with a friend on her cell phone. The only difference: I say "bro" and "dude" more...

Oh yeah, back to what I did today... in the office I spent about an hour on the phone with Louis Nelms, who leads Gospelink to let him know we raised close to $5,000 for the Leatha Foundation Orphanage. He was blown away by the generosity of our college students. Thanks, Salt Company, for being the best college students in the world! We worked out the logistics to get the money wired to Malawi.

I met with a student and heard about his recent trip to China, we had a staff meeting, I met with a couple guys about possibly coming on staff next year, then I rushed home to print out my wedding notes, jumped in the van with the family and headed off to Des Moines for a wedding rehearsal.

It's 9:45 pm and my day is finally over- my body aches and is crying out for sleep. My prayer as I lay my head down is that Makai (currently sick) will sleep through the night, and that Leatha's sleep will be amazing! (She was up all night with him last night)

1 comment:

jared said...

sounds like a pretty sweet week. Salt Company rocks for doing things like that. good for everyone who contributed!